Training Academy

Training Academy

We believe the officers of the Atlanta Police Department deserve access to the best training, support, and development resources available. Because we know that exceptional fitness, education, and preparation are essential to their ability serve the citizens of Atlanta, and when you answer the call you make a commitment to keep Atlanta safe. 

That’s why every recruit who aspires to join our force is required to complete the rigorous training regimen provided through the Atlanta Police Academy. The pages within this section provide more detailed information on the valuable academy experience.

about the academy

The Atlanta Police Training Academy is a premier law enforcement training institution that provides comprehensive training to prepare recruits for a career in policing.

With a new, state-of-the-art training facility currently under construction, the Atlanta Police Training Academy is currently located at Atlanta Metropolitan State College. Learn more about the new facility by visiting The Atlanta Public Safety Training Center website.

The academy offers a rigorous program that lasts for more than 20 weeks with a goal to provide the highest quality of training to produce skilled and knowledgeable police officers who will uphold the highest standards of professionalism and serve the community with integrity. 


What to expect

After being hired as a recruit, your first physical training test will be conducted within four business days. Thereafter, your academy experience will consist of at least:

  • 80+ hours of physical training
  • 80 hours of defensive training
  • 48 hours of firearms training
  • Hundreds of hours of classroom instruction

By the end of your academy experience, our goal is to help you achieve the greatest physical conditioning of your life and to be well-prepared mentally and physically to protect yourself and those around you in our communities.

Physical Goals

You should be in good physical condition prior to starting the academy, there are minimum standards you should aim for in order to best prepare for the Academy experience.

To qualify for an Academy class:

  • Run 1.5 miles in 14:30 or less
  • Run Obstacle Course in less than 2 minutes

To graduate from the Academy:

  • Run 1.5 miles in 13:30 or less
  • Run Obstacle Course in less than 1 min 41 seconds with additional elements added

Training Supplies

You will need to purchase several personal items necessary for training. These include but are not limited to:

  • A quality pair of running shoes. (We recommend buying from a store that specializes in running shoes. Proper fitting shoes may help prevent injury.)
  • Several dark navy sweatshirts and sweatpants
  • Several pairs of above-knee length, solid dark navy nylon shorts

Effective policing relies on uniformity, and physical training and appearance are no exceptions. We train our officers to act, appear and perform as a team.


What to expect

After being hired as a recruit, your first physical training test will be conducted within four business days. Thereafter, your academy experience will consist of at least:

  • 80+ hours of physical training
  • 80 hours of defensive training
  • 48 hours of firearms training
  • Hundreds of hours of classroom instruction

By the end of your academy experience, our goal is to help you achieve the greatest physical conditioning of your life and to be well-prepared mentally and physically to protect yourself and those around you in our communities.

Physical Goals

You should be in good physical condition prior to starting the academy, there are minimum standards you should aim for in order to best prepare for the Academy experience.

To qualify for an Academy class:

  • Run 1.5 miles in 14:30 or less
  • Run Obstacle Course in less than 2 minutes

To graduate from the Academy:


  • Run 1.5 miles in 13:30 or less
  • Run Obstacle Course in less than 1 min 41 seconds with additional elements added

Training Supplies

You will need to purchase several personal items necessary for training. These include but are not limited to:

  • A quality pair of running shoes. (We recommend buying from a store that specializes in running shoes. Proper fitting shoes may help prevent injury.)
  • Several dark navy sweatshirts and sweatpants
  • Several pairs of above-knee length, solid dark navy nylon shorts

Effective policing relies on uniformity, and physical training and appearance are no exceptions. We train our officers to act, appear and perform as a team.


Policing is a demanding occupation – both physically and mentally. The Atlanta Police Academy will supply you with a foundation for life-long physical conditioning as there are certain things you can do to prepare for the rigorous academy experience.

Preparation DO's

  • DO (if you are not already) start exercising regularly
  • DO start running regularly, increasing your pace and distance as you are able
  • DO start drinking lots of water
  • DO start eating a well-balanced, protein-rich diet
  • DO consult a physician for any help you feel you may need to make the adequate changes necessary to meet the physical demands of the training academy

Preparation DON'Ts

  • STOP smoking and AVOID eating foods which you know to be unhealthy
  • DO NOT engage in any activity that could result in serious injury, as this could prevent you from starting academy until you are healed
  • DO NOT attempt to “bulk up” or “cut weight” by taking excessive amounts of protein, weight loss or Creatine supplements. The majority of your training will be cardiovascular in nature, and these supplements will not likely aid you in achieving your Academy performance goals.